Penobscot Valley Senior College
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The research is clear!
Seniors who maintain active mental, physical, and social connections have greater chances of living longer, and more productive lives.
Volunteers make PVSC happen. We always welcome new committee members, and it's a great way to make new friends.

Curriculum - seeks and accepts course proposals, organizes the schedule, finds locations, and ensures a smoothly-running semester.

Finance and Governance - is responsible for our budget, bylaws, and other organizational aspects.

Marketing and Public Relations - does publicity and community outreach; maintains our Facebook and blog presence

Member Services - provides support for current members, including mailings, newsletter, and our wonderful fall Annual Meeting and Luncheon.

One-Day Presentations - organizes and publicizes our popular half- and full-day events on special topics, and includes our Summer Extravaganza Variety Course offering.
Are you interested in becoming more involved with PVSC decision-making?
Maybe you're looking for more volunteering during your retirement years, or still working and wanting to get involved before you retire.

PVSC has Officer positions of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. It might be the year where an Officer is needed.

The Standing Committee Chairs are often needed for: Curriculum, Finance and Governance, Marketing and Public Relations, Member Services, and One-Day and Special Events. Openings for the committee Chair positions are available at different times, so if you have a special interest, why not join the committee of your choice to become more familiar with the behind-the-scenes teamwork?

LET US KNOW which committee you'd like to be part of! Call 207-659-1359 or email